UKCW London: 7-9 May 2025 | ExCeL
UKCW Birmingham: 30 Sept-2 Oct 2025 | NEC


Tom O'Dwyer

Tom O'Dwyer

Degree Apprentice-Civil, Mott MacDonald
Tom is a fantastic employee and role model for the apprenticeship route into the Civil Engineering industry. He always has a positive can-do attitude focussed on solving issues and assisting in the delivery of projects. Tom is not afraid to take tasks away and give them a go by himself first, to see if he can fully understand and complete the task before asking for input from more senior engineers. This shows a great ability to problem solve and reach out of his comfort zone to embrace new challenges. Tom is always trying to give back to the STEM community, either by being involved in talks at schools, or attending careers fairs and informing others about the apprenticeship route that he has taken. He was on the people and change panel at Digital Construction Week, where he talked about his view on the industry and how the apprentice route is a massive benefit to both apprentices and employers. He has also attended his old school and spoken to sixth form students about Apprenticeships as part of National Apprenticeship week, giving advice to students about the how to apply for apprenticeships and what completing it entails. The highlight of Toms extracurricular activities was when he had the opportunity to speak at the House of Lords, to celebrate 10 years of Class Of Your Own and the undertaking of the Design Engineer Construct (DEC) course at GCSE. At this event he talked about how started in industry, how DEC inspired his route to Civil Engineering and his job role as an apprentice at Mott MacDonald.

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