Richard Hawkins
Technical Innovations Manager,
SO Modular
Richard's academic and professional career journey are testament to the evolving nature of the build environment and a strong reflection of the state of things to come in construction. He initially studied Music Production before retraining in a BSc Mechanical Engineering part-time, whilst working as a laser applications engineer. With this BSc degree he became a Business Development, Technical design and service engineer where he gained experience in the automotive, aerospace, medical device sectors, amongst others. Richard has expressed he has always been interested in construction, architecture, and environmental responsibility. He has a natural inclination to be organised, efficient and resourceful. He completed a part-time MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings to fuel this interest and facilitate a change in career direction. His thesis focussed on designing for deconstruction and invesitgated the reversal and critique of modular building techniques to facilitate ease of deconstruction. This was a perfect foundation for our business. From this, he began a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Cardiff Metropolitan University and Sevenoaks Modular (SOM). The role focussed on decarbonising modular construction and improving processes of offsite manufacturing (OSM). Both his MSc, BSc and decade of industrial experience were invaluable for this role and have resulted in full-time employment at SOM. Richard demonstrates great enthusiasm to be involved in designing low-carbon, high-performance, timber structures. Richard's contribution helps keep SOM at the forefront of natural materials utilisation and development, and he has had a significant role in improving the processes of OSM using his industrial knowledge and technical expertise. The role he has carved out is a clear embodiment of the much-needed transition from traditional ‘construction' to ‘precision manufacturing' that the industry, public and environment is desperate for. He shows genuine passion for his work and is on a path to making a life-long success of it.