UKCW Birmingham: 1-3 October 2024 | NEC
UKCW London: 7-9 May 2025 | ExCeL


Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis

Managing Director, Cadventure
Elaine’s journey to the construction industry started with a degree in Economics from Lancaster University and MBA from Cranfield School of Management, she joined the family business becoming Managing Director in 2013. In 2019 she became a Non-Executive Director for the nima, she is also judge the European Women in Engineering and Construction Awards and act as a Mentor for Women in BIM – an organisation that supports women in their careers in the Built Environment. In 2022 Elaine was honoured to be nominated for a BIM Hero Award as part of the BIM Coordinators Summit and in 2023 she was privileged to be selected as the first 30 Inspirational Business Women in STEM and Construction.

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